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Video Marketing Services

Reach Your Audience Where They Spend Most Of Their Time Learn about our on-point video marketing services…

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Why Online Video Marketing?

Video media is becoming more and more popular by the day, and there is no sign of this trend slowing any time soon, and why would it?

Video is one of the more engaging and exciting formats, whether it be for delivering information, building a brand, or marketing a particular product, event, or service.

The rise of various popular video sharing sites like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook (Meta), and TikTok show that more people than ever before are consuming video media, and at a faster rate than any point in history, making video one of the best ways to meet your audience, no matter who they are.

Video Production

Shooting a video is easier than it has ever been in this age of camera phones that have more processing power than early NASA computers. Putting together a video that is engaging, interesting, and persuasive is simple for anyone with an idea and a smart phone.

But if you want something that portrays the professionalism behind your brand, even the best camera phone might not cut it. In some cases, a professional plan, shoot, and equipment are a better fit.

Because of this, brands of all sizes and types lean on video production companies who can help them bring their ideas to life or create brand new ones from scratch.

But there is a lot that goes into a professional video production that people never see, but they are no less important to the process.

First there is the planning phase, jotting ideas, writing scripts, and sketching storyboards that get the best ideas across.

Then there is the filming or animation stage, the production stage, which will differ in the skills, time, and equipment required, depending on the type of video being made.

Postproduction sees the video refined and polished, stitched together through a painstaking editing process that polishes audio and video quality, while making colours pop.

Once the video is done, what happens next? That depends on you. Will you be using it for YouTube marketing or for social advertising? Will you be displaying it on your own website? Will it be used at a conference or as a training video?

The applications are virtually endless…

6 Reasons to opt for Online Video Marketing

1 | Online Videos are Extremely Popular

YouTube alone has over a billion monthly users, and they are not even the only platform you can market on, just one of the more popular ones. This means you can reach more people, more easily, and refine your audience the way you want to while only marketing to the right people.

2 | Marketing on YouTube works like Google Ads

YouTube video ads are set up exactly the same way that Google Ads are, which means that they come with all the same features for measurement and optimisation that the leading online advertising platform offers.

3 | You Can Market Videos on Social Media

Social media is a hotbed of video media of all types, from information and entertainment, right through to personal stories and ads, you can leverage all these formats to get your brand into the social sphere.

4 | Build Consumer Trust & Relationships

An informative and engaging video shows your brand off as the professional authority that it is and builds greater levels of trust in potential clients, while forging stronger relationships with existing ones.

5 | If a Picture Says a Thousand Words, a Video Speaks Volumes

You can say and demonstrate so much more in a video, even a simple 5 second one can communicate so much more than just about any other type of digital media, and they are enjoyable to watch.

6 | Video Ads Can Be Tailored to a Budget

A video doesn’t need a 7 figure Hollywood budget to be a success, it just needs to be put together with the right care and expertise. For how powerful online video marketing is, it also comes at less of a cost to other forms of TV advertising, often with far better results.

Our video marketing & production services include:

Online Video Marketing on Websites & Social Media

Script Writing

Graphical Storyboards

Filming on Location

Drone Footage


Live Streams

Video Editing

Corporate Videos

Instructional Videos

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